Thursday, April 7, 2011

First Post! Yet So Far Away...

Hello to all! As I write this late at night as I have one thing on my mind, I decided to start up a new blog. A new blog about my internship that I will be doing this summer, keeping track of what I do and the exciting new discoveries I make! Well...that is what I'm allowed to disclose of course!

Earlier this term, I applied for an internship for the summer under the Southern California Earthquake Center, found at: Here, I applied specifically for the SURE and UseIT programs. Initially, I did not think I was going to receive such a glorious honour, and as such, was desperately looking for jobs near where my grandparents live because lets face it, I'm in University and I need money!

However, not too long ago, I was getting ready to leave my dorm to head to another residence to put on one of our performances of "Guys and Dolls," (where I portrayed the character Big Jule...but that's another story for another day!) when I received an email with regards to SCEC. The moment I saw that in my inbox I nearly jumped out of my seat, I think I screamed a little I was so excited. Upon opening the email - alas! I find I have indeed secured an internship over the summer working on a project called: "Hydrochemistry and hydrothermal alteration along active faults." As you can imagine, I am incredibly excited about such an opportunity!

The type of internship I have received is of the "SURE" category - essentially a one-on-one mentor-student project takes place over the summer, and I do research on my project. I gather I am going to be collecting quite a bit of samples, and, at the end of it all the interns all go to California to present their findings in one large conference. 

Why did this come to me as such a surprise? Namely because I had just transferred to UBC from Waterloo this year and into a new program entirely. I remained in the Faculty of Science, but it was a rather drastic change switching from Biochemistry/Chemical Physics to Earth and Ocean Sciences. I essentially had the first year requirements out of the way, which was good. I was one of the lucky ones to be considered a second year, although in my third year of university. I didn't think I would have the skills or enough knowledge to take on such a task, but the lovely people who presented me with the opportunity evidently think I do have the knowledge, and I am extremely honoured for that. I wish I could thank them personally, I am so happy. 

It will be neat to learn so many new skills. Technical skills that is, after working in a Genetics and Theoretical Chemistry lab, I have a range of skills, and am always eager to add more to the list. 

It's going to be a blast! I'm going to get to see Utah (predominately where I will be staying), Nevada, Idaho and California! Specifically I get to take a field trip to see the San Andreas Fault! How cool is that going to be? Super cool! Only one of the most famous strike-slip faults in the world - absolutely incredible. 

And so I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be neat to start a blog about my adventures this summer?" Yes. Yes it would be neat to start a blog about how the internship is going, the exciting places I get to see, exciting things I get to do, and all in all, just simply be a nerd. It's who I am, and I'm proud of it!

As I was also mentioning to a friend the other day...back when I was a child I was fascinated by volcanoes out of fear. I was also fascinated by earthquakes I think as well. I go to University, start off in Biochemistry, switch into Chemical Physics and low and behold...transfer Universities and get into Earth and Ocean Sciences, and stay there, choosing to take classes geared towards Volcanoes and Earthquakes. It's amazing how things can come full circle, isn't it? Maybe I should have taken a hint from my childhood with my earthly fascinations!

Up until my official start date, I'll try to keep everyone updated on what's going on! Thanks for following and I hope you can enjoy "'S Not My Fault!" the earthquake internship blog!

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